
Monday, October 1, 2012


Format: iPad
Price: Free Today
Vendor: iTunes

Effective and rapid stress relief in 5 minutes.

De-stress with our guided breathing exercises that use calming music to promote relaxation. It’s an ideal stress management tool, being simple and intuitive.

RH: Chuck Losch sent this stress relief app out and said "It was just what I need as the day ends." Check it out. Thanks, Chuck.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blogger (Blogspot)

Format: iPad
Price: Free
Vendor: iTunes

Start blogging on the go with the official Blogger app. With Blogger app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, you can easily publish posts with pictures, labels, and location information. Also, you can view the list of posts and if you have multiple accounts or blogs, you can easily switch between them. Blogger for your computer is easily accessed through

RH: I can't believe I have not reviewed this awesome program/app sooner. Blogspot or as otherwise known, Blogger, is one of the easiest blogging programs out there. There are many great programs available and most are free. WordPress, Weebly, and many others are very good blog hosts but I have been mostly acquainted with Blogger. There are templates aplenty that will meet every need you can imagine. One highly encouraging fact about Blogger is that in the time I have used it, just the first month of school, there has not been one time that is was "down." How many times did your blog host go down? I have not used Blogger for iPad much as the pictures are not easily formatted on my iPad or iPhone. I typically use my laptop or school desktop to do most blogging activities. The beauty is that you can update from any Internet ready machine.